Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pretty views from the long hike down...

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Our shelter in the storm -- Mike and Beth's place (shouldn't it have a NAME by now??) in Lisbon, NH

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Deciding to Bail out - If you look at this picture and contemplate a 3 mile ridge hike in these conditions, add in the fact that it was already 2 pm, and multiply by the fact that we had nowhere to camp and our gear was wet, you'd probably come to the same conclusion...


Mike and Juliana lead the way down, back into treeline

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Hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail

are we having fun yet?

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More Mt. Liberty pix...

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Day II: Hikijh up to the ridge...

Mike ascends first

Then Brian and Julianna

We were rewarded with fog-obscured views and a cold wind. But, hey, we had the peak to ourselves!

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Hiking, before the rain began to come down...

The Liberty Springs Trail went up, up, up like this for amost 2 hours. Woof!

The steady rain began as we were eating dinner and coninued through the night. Breakfast temp was in the 40's, drizzle and heavy wet gear to load into the packs!

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Backpacking Trip to Mt. Liberty and Little Haystack
September, 2006

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